Become A Member
We are accepting new members!
Becoming a Pro-Choice Therapists member allows you to add your name to our searchable directory of pro-choice providers and gives exclusive access to trainings, educational materials, resources, and networking.
Because this work aims to fill a public health gap, membership is currently free. For those that are able, we ask that you make a contribution to allow the Pro-Choice Therapists team to continue expanding services.

Before we list you in the provider directory, you must complete a mandatory member training and pass a comprehension quiz.
After you complete the member training, we will collect additional information in the membership application that will be used for your provider directory listing.
Questions? Contact us here!
Pro-Choice Therapists Eligibility Requirements
Pro-Choice Therapists accepts applications for membership from mental health professionals who have a Master's degree or higher, and who are bound by a state licensure board (e.g. pre-licensed professionals who are working on their hours for licensure under a licensed supervisor and licensed individuals).
We are not accepting applications from folks outside of this scope, including doulas, educators, life coaches, peer-counselors or other helping professionals. We are also not accepting group practice applications at this time: each individual in a practice must submit an independent application.
We may expand membership to other professionals in the future; we appreciate your understanding and support!